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MacLean Engineering remains a privately owned Canadian company that specializes in the design, manufacture and marketing of high quality mechanized equipment serving worldwide customers in Underground Mining, Commercial and Municipal Sectors.
MELTRIC is a company of Marechal Electric Group, a worldwide leader in manufacturing and sales of engineered plugs and receptacles.
We've been providing quality underground mobile mining and tunneling equipment for nearly 30 years. Our product line includes, but is not limited to: jumbo drill rigs, LHD's underground loaders, scissor lifts, flatbed boom trucks, fuel & lube trucks, bolters, underground trucks, narrow vein & custom equipment, used equipment,...
Meglab, a designer and manufacturer of electronic and electrical equipment, as well as instrumentation and control systems, is an outstanding engineering service partner also offering installation, training and after-sales customer support services. Our competent professionals come up with custom solutions and deliver turnkey projects to...